
Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Apartment Number: 25 (Lisa Hallam)

Lisa keeps her apartment clean and tidy to keep her mind clear of clutter. The spacious lounge is great for entertaining, In a corner by the door is her workstation. The kitchen and bathroom have been modernised and both the guest room and Lisa’s bedroom are decorated in neutral colours.

1 23 Getting to know you *Lisa*
by Finn Taylor
Jun 23, 2009 15:03:23 GMT 1
No New Posts Apartment Number: 54 (Ryan Davis)

A finely fitted apartment for a bachelor like Ryan. It is very spacious and has room to roam. Trying to get settled in this brand new town. Living room is littered with case files he usually shoves under the couch when he has visitors. Clothes thrown about. It is after all only him with no woman to nag him. It is rather nice.

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No New Posts Apartment Number: 111 (Phoenix Cassandra Lange)

When first looking at her apart it looks like no one really lives in it. In the kitchen it only has a few things. The fridge is small and has not a lot of food in it. The cabinets only have what she really needs. When they look at the Living room it isn't really a relaxing area. She uses that area to train. The walls are painted a dark black color and her weapons hang from her walls or in a chest. A punching bag is in a corner and in the other corner there are two large book shelves with a lot of books on them for research. Her bedroom is the only place that really seems lived in. Though it's small it is cozy for her. The walls are a nice crimson red. Fit for a queen size bed and a small t.v. with a dresser and a desk with a computer on it. Her bathroom is an okay bathroom. It has what she needs and nothing more. It is painted a green pea color.

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No New Posts Apartment Number: 112 (John Shepperd)

John Shepperd's apartment is brightly decorated in green and red stripped wallpaper. His living room is teh darkest place in the apartment qith very dim lighting and his sofa bed and 32 inch LCD tv allined in front of each other. His bedroom has Iron bars on them and his Bedroom doors has a big big Iron gurda on them.

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No New Posts Apartment Number: 141 (Jonathan Locke)

A practical apartment - Jonathan never claimed to need much beyond a bed, T.V, kitchen and large closet. At first glance it appears tidy and quite sparse but that's only so that there's space for everything he needs to keep hidden.

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No New Posts Apartment Number: 203 (Gail Marie Jacobs)

A crowded yet semi homelike apartment inwhich Gail and her two daughters live. In it holds two small cribs, a queen size bed, a cheap sofa, and a box that holds all of Gail's weapontry locked away in her closet.

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No New Posts Apartment Number: 296 (Twain Saber)

Twain moved into this apartment after one of the walls got blasted out. It was a nice apartment before that. Twain suspects a demon due to the green stain she can never seem to get of what is left of the wall. It has a bedroom(With the missing wall) a bathroom, a living room, and a kitchen. The bedroom is a horrible mess all the time and Twain never bothers to clean it. The rest of the house is kept fairly clean. Twain guesses it was a suite before the accident, because it has all the lavish furnishings of one. She got it for cheep because of the wall, which she simply hangs a red curtain over.

1 3 Slightly Unusual(Jonathan)
by Twain Saber
May 14, 2009 1:31:00 GMT 1
No New Posts Apartment Number: 300 (Soyoko Sishimata)

Apartment 300 is a penthouse sweet (Very expensive). The rooms are spacious and the decor is sleek but quaint. The 2nd bedroom is more of a study than a bedroom and the main room has a hot tub. There is also a balcony with a view of the town center.

1 18 Breaking The Ice (Phoenix)
by Phoenix Lange
May 26, 2009 3:19:12 GMT 1

Apartment Plant-

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newBookmarkLockedFalling Want a Apartment?
Spencer Lee 0 579 by Spencer Lee
Jul 13, 2007 23:10:30 GMT 1
newBookmarkLockedFalling `deceitful intensions. {.Alyssa.}
Ryan Davis 0 90 by Ryan Davis
May 31, 2009 21:23:15 GMT 1


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Apartment Plant-
There are more then 300 apartments in the plant. Each one is fitted with its own bathroom, kitchen, living room and two bedrooms. It is located outside the woods and is on the boarder of the town and down town.
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